Alabama 3 (A3) - Sweet pretty country acid house music Alabama 3 (A3) - the band behind the Sopranos theme song

Alabama 3 Officially Released Videos

Woke Up This Morning - Original Version

This is the original video released from the Exhile On Coldharbour Lane album (although it's a slightly different version to the album). They're doing the whole "Last Supper" thing, Larry is wearing lipstick and D. Wayne looks amazingly thin.

Aint Goin' To Goa

Gather ye into yon trendy church and profess a disdain for Contiki jaunts to the subcontinent!

Woke Up This Morning - Sopranos Version

This is the version used on the Sopranos soundtrack and the video contains video excerpts from the Sopranos. It features the band driving around in a similar manner to Tony Soprano in the opening titles.

Too Sick To Pray

The opening song from La Peste sees Larry Love looking pensive in a desert motel room and D. Wayne looking deadly serious in a nightclub.

Hello, I'm Johnny Cash

Alabama Penitentiary inmates are forced to sit and watch Alabama 3 perform. Rest assured, most audiences do not have to be held down at A3 concerts.



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Exhile on Coldharbour Lane
The debut album from Alabama 3 is unique and impossible to pigeonhole. Combining blues, country, gospel and acid house (among others) should sound like a mess but here it meshes into a glorious symphony of fascinating sound. Every song is a winner. Recorded in 1997, this album does not age.

Available from
Amazon (under the name A3)


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